Sunday, January 20, 2008

Minimizing Stress: ATTACK THE PROBLEM!

Everybody experiences stress sometimes. It arises from bills, from school or work, from relationships, etc. So it's not entirely avoidable. However, it isn't entirely bad either.

Some stress helps us to be productive. If we are anxious about a project, then we are more likely to focus our energy on getting it done. It is perhaps the only way to alleviate our stress. The same goes for bills. If we never worry about paying them, then what is to stop us from not paying them at all?

Too much stress, though, is more likely to lead to a lack of productivity. The reason being, that if stress consumes too much of your time, than you might be spending your time panicking, instead of working things out. If you're stressed about not having a job, then you might spend the time you could be applying for jobs, worrying elsewhere. When in fact, just applying for jobs, in this situation, may alleviate some of your stress.

While job rejection might create anxiety in itself, the longer you don't have a job, the more situations will arise that will stress you out. Simply worrying about the situation will not put money in your pocket.
Thus, the best way to minimize this type of stress is to ATTACK THE PROBLEM. Consider what it is that is stressing you out, and then consider what measures you can take in order to solve them. Write a great resume, and then hand it out to fifty employers. On top of that, apply for part-time positions that may carry you until you get that job you need. Make sure you consider all your options.

If you're stressed about a problem in a relationship, address the person. Tell them how you feel, and listen to what they have to say. In many situations, this sort of discussion will lead to a mending of the relationship. If it makes things worse, then decide whether or not this person is someone you want to have in your life.

Because so many of these situations require good judgment, think through your attack method. Think about what kind of job you're most qualified for and take time to write a good resume. If you can't pay a bill, consider where you can either borrow or make extra cash. In a fight with a friend, be considerate of their feelings and try not to be overly critical of the other person.

In order to make our lives better, and closer to the way we want them, we must be proactive in our approach. Taking an assertive approach will decrease the amount of stress we have to deal with in the future.

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