90's music, Blossom, music videos, musicians, fashion, kanye west, rihanna, Britney Spears, request line, DJ, graffiti, Hip Hop, Oral Sex, Career things, People and careers, etc. etc.
So it's great that this chick is now totally a dude and totally pregant, but did anybody realize how totally stupid these two dumb bitches are?
They don't really answer King's questions, they just say "We feel normal. We feel normal! blah blah." I just want Larry to say, "Fuck this. I've interviewed midgets, president Bush, and deformed people, and you two are by far the dumbest pieces of shit I have ever talked to.
Hey, at least these hoes feel normal. I haven't felt that way since I felt it move during a Britney music video.
I'm not sure what more I can about. I'll just smoke a bowl in honor of our new prez and then I'll dedicate my breakfast of chicken flavored ramen noodles to him.
Tom Cruise is demanding that all reporters who want to interview the Scientologist watch his delayed ejaculation, also known as Valkyrie, and like it before they can interview him.
If I were a GDamn celebrity of Tommy's stature, I'd demand a lot more than that.
1) You must bring a kitten into the interview room. 2) That kitten must be named after Suri. 3. Each interviewer must give me a thorough testicle exam.
Screw if they liked my movie or not.
I haven't seen Valkyrie, but I'm sure it's better than the 3 hour nap "Benjamin Button."
I wish hurricane Katrina would have destroyed that movie.
I'm not really sure who the chick above is, but I thought she looked like Amy Winy enough.
Well, anyhow, A-Wine i STILL down in St. Lucia on drug holiday.
She's having sex with someone who isn't Blake, and she's performing cracked out (she can't do anything else) versions of puppy love.
She's having sex with some dude named Josh Bowman, but really, who fuckin cares. I saw a picture of this dude, and he's pretty sexay, but theres no way he could ever keep up with Wino's crack habit. He'll be gone faster than Wino can turn a meth pipe.
My theory is that Wino spent millions on a special extended release crack pill, so while everyone thinks she sober, oodles of crack are being smoked by her blood cells. Besides, everyone knows Wino can't get it up without a little bit of crack.