Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Where Do I Go From Here?

For those of us who have enjoyed an easy going college experience-- one where bills are paid by mom and dad, where if we work, it's only for extra spending money, and even a successful one with a good GPA and a few extra curriculars-- thinking about life after school can be a harrowing, and stressful ordeal. Suddenly, those jobs at coffee shops and working a cash register become obsolete. They won't maintain the life style you have grown to accustomed to, they won't help you pay off those college loans, and they are certainly not what you want to be doing for the rest of your life.

You want a career.

Maybe some of you realize what makes this such a difficult feat: SO DOES EVERYBODY ELSE. Looking at your resume, you might think that you have too little experience, or maybe you have none at all. Maybe you think to yourself "There is no job for me." For those of you suffering with the latter problem, take advantage of your resources.

The internet offers many oppurtunities. For one, it contains many job listings. Sites like help you build your resume and find a job. Also, check your schools website. It probably has a database of jobs in the area. Find out if your school has a career center. Most universities do, and there are people there that will help you. It's their job to do so. The internet not only lists jobs, but now more than ever, it is creating them.

Start your own blog. It's easy. There are tons of free blogging sites that will offer to host your ramblings. And you can blog about anything you want. If your blog is successful, it is something you can put on your resume. Provided that your topic is something of relevance to others, you can make contacts in a desired field as well as encourage your own personal growth towards the field of your choice. Read the following article by Ryan Healy, a 2006 graduate of Penn State and found of Brazen Careerist, an online resource for young professionals.

Think of your blog as a business. And if the blog isn't enough business for you, go ahead and start your own business. If you can generate traffic on a website, you can sell advertising space. Take a potential blog topic, and take it further by creating a multi-faceted website. Put your creative skills to good use by designing t-shirts. The more traffic you can acquire, the more customers you are likely to have. If you are familiar with, then you are familiar with how successful a successful blog can be a business. The ads that run on his website earn him thousands upon thousands of dollars day!

For inspiration on your blog or business, look around the web at sites that interest you. When you find a site that you like, make your own site. Use their ideas and generate your own base of visitors. There are a lot of low cost website builders you can purchase online. Here is a list of "Tips For Running A Business In Your Dorm Room" from and a page of advice on "How to Make a Web Site of Your Own"

Don't expect to immediately earn thousands. Put a good amount of your time into this. It will reflect on your blog or business, and your potential readers and/or customers will take notice.

In addition to the aforementioned, take time to consider your options. Don't waste your time. Stay motivated and ambitious. The more time you put into making the transition between college and a career, the more edge you have over the competition.

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